Audiobook : How to bring up a child

We bring you another marvellous audiobook from AuroPublications this January!

When planning for a year – sow corn.

When planning for a decade – plant trees.

When planning for life – train and educate men. – Kwan-Tsu

How to bring up a child is edited by Vijay and narrated with deep devotion by Ravi Shankar. This audiobook is an attempt to bring some light into this obscure yet important field of rearing a child.

Topics such as – ‘Education begins before Birth’, ‘Freedom essential for Growth’ and ‘Teacher – a Living Example’ – cover a wide range, while the principal section, formed out of extracts from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, explore briefly various aspects the Art and Science of dealing with children.

Please follow this link to buy the audiobook: