Sourcing Our Oneness Programme at Auroville

Start Date:17-Feb-2019

End Date:17-Feb-2019

Location:Unity Pavilion, Auroville

Institute:Sri Aurobindo Society

“One may attain, others progress, others linger. You must not expect a sudden collective miracle. I have not come here to accomplish miracles, but to show, lead the way, help, on the road to a great inner change of our human nature,—the outer change in the world is only possible if and when that inner transmutation is effected and extends itself. You must not expect to establish a perfect sangha all at once and by a single leap. … Go forward calmly and firmly, not attached to success, not disturbed by unsuccess; my help will then not fail you.”

—Sri Aurobindo

A series of programmes, titled ‘Sourcing Our Oneness’, have been conceived for various organizations working for the realization and fulfilment of the aims and ideals of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

The fourth programme in this series was held on February 17, 2019, at Unity Pavilion, Auroville, under the title “Sourcing Our Strength”. The programme duration was 9 am to 3.30 pm.


Session – I: Registration for the Programme and a Welcome

Every participant was asked to register and then walk inside the Unity Pavilion hall with a flower card of their choice, which he or she had to match with the flower cards on the table. In this way, all the participants were divided into groups of five to six members. Ms. Jaya, from Unity Pavilion, Auroville, started the programme with an introduction explaining the distance the ‘Sourcing Our Oneness’ series of programmes have travelled since its inception. The introduction was followed by a timeline of the subsequent programmes and activities planned for the day.


Session – II

Sourcing Our Strength – Work on Polarity as a Space of Inclusiveness and Creativity:

This session involved researching polarity as a creative and unifying space. In communion and in self-exploration, all the participants rediscovered and sourced their inner and higher realities. In addition they searched and expanded all the senses with openness and receptivity. Each table had a couple of instruction sheets, some coloured drawing pens, chart papers and other items to be used for the first activity of the day. Everyone was asked to follow the instructions carefully and think of certain divergent values and then find positives in each of these contradictory aspects. These values were then to be presented in a creative way with the help of the stationery provided. An associated activity involved studying one of the twelve qualities given by the Mother for the Matrimandir gardens and the spiritual significances she has given to various flowers and using all this information to discuss and present a chart prepared collectively with shared learning.


Session – III

Yoga Nidra:

The third session of the day before lunch took the participants on a live and deep state of conscious rest, an ancient Indian style of meditation called ‘Yoga Nidra’. Yoga nidra or ‘yogic sleep’ is a paradoxical state of being between sleep and consciousness which is conducive to deep emotional and physical health, healing, rewiring your complete self holistically, and self-exploration in a detached way. The session was conducted by Aloka, Auroville, with guided step-by-step instructions.



The lunch time was an opportunity used by the participants to connect with each other informally and talk of their place in Sri Aurobindo’s family, their work and life journey. The food, a mix of Indian and continental, was sumptuous and wholesome.


Session – IV

Exploring Our Senses:

Learning with and through each other in the beautiful surroundings of Unity Pavilion, the participants were encouraged to explore the sense of ‘hearing’. In the introduction, Veronik the facilitator of the session explained the importance to embrace and appreciate the beauty around us. In complete silence, the participants walked around the Unity Pavilion gardens in an attempt to help connect with their inner self minus worldly disturbances and worries, while delving into their sensory capabilities – to listen and hear – in their purest form. After a period of time, the participants returned to the hall and recounted their connection with the Nature and their experiences and impressions.

Session – V

Sharing and Closing of the Programme:

The last session of the day was all about sharing and exchanging of thoughts, feelings, hopes and aspirations from the Oneness Programme. The whole day was summarized in a space of unity and unity in diversity where differences are celebrated as an integral part of an inspiring and dynamic creative force. The words were heartfelt and hugs exchanged warm and promising of a beautiful walk together towards the future.

The programme came to an end after serving tea to the participants.

